The gIQ Exploration View feature is an integral component of the gIQ GIS product, designed to provide users with a comprehensive platform for visualizing diverse datasets. Its primary purpose is to offer users the capability to explore and examine different layers within the gIQ system. By design, this feature ensures that only complete datasets are accessible, fostering effective data management practices by allowing users to categorize and select specific datasets for further analysis. The scope of this feature is strictly limited to facilitating the visualization of datasets within the system, thereby enhancing the overall user experience and decision-making process.
Key functionalities include searching and browsing through available datasets, enabling users to upload their own datasets or acquire new data through the user-friendly data acquisition portal.
Leveraging cutting-edge Cesium ion technology, the gIQ system seamlessly integrates with industry-leading mapping services such as the ESRI basemap service and the openstreetmap service.
The backend infrastructure is built upon a sophisticated technology stack, predominantly relying on open-source technologies to ensure scalability, reliability, and performance
Core Functions and Capabilities: The gIQ Exploration View feature supports a wide range of data formats, including ZIP(TAR), single files raster, vector, document, and video formats.
1. Exploration
The exploration module can be found in the top left toolbar in gIQ.
2. Updates
The Updates list will automatically update you on new information that has been processed in the last 48 hours.
3. Updates
The option "Show" gives you the updated list of layers.
4. Layers
Shows you the number of layers.
5. Toggle Footprints Visibility
This option will show you an overview of the Footprints of your layers on the map.
6. Filter button
This button will open a separate window with different filter options. Further will be explained in a separate paragraph "Filters".
7. Individual layer
Option to make the layer and layer footprint visible on the map.
8. To open the side panel of your layer in exploration click on the 3 dots
9. Zoom into Layer
As alternative Alt+Click can be used to zoom into the selected layer
10. Click on Perspective View
Perspective view is an option to view the image as a preview without opening the actual layer.
Perspective view is intended to support datasets which have an oblique angle and would therefore become heavily distorted when projected onto the globe view (transformed into ESPG:4326)
It will open a separate window.
11. Perspective View
Click on "Close" if you want to end the perspective view.
12. Click on Open in File Manager
This option will take you to the File in which your layer is stored.
File manager is a space in gIQ in which you can ingest files and view metadata. You can run inference jobs from this space.
In depth will be explained in a separate paragraph "File manager".
13. Click on add to workspace
This option is intended for use when a workspace has already been created. In depth will be explained in a separate paragraph "Creating a workspace".
14. When you click on the layer itself it will open a panel on the right side of your screen
Panel includes following options: Properties / Detections and Tools
15. Properties
This panel will give you information about Metadata of your layer, Relations, Bands Rendering and Raster Adjustments.
16. Relations
This window will show you the relation to other existing layers.
17. Bands Rendering
This option will open a new window with different Bands Render Types.
18. Raster Adjusment
This will give you the option to manually manipulate and enhance layer settings.
These options are intended for quick views and do not persist.
19. Detections
This panel will give you the possibility to run different models on your selected layer if supported.
20. Tools
This panel is present for raster files only and will give you the option to resample your layer in different ways. Different tools appear depending on the raster type.